
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Moved On

Ha. I misled you with that post title, didn't I.

This is actually just a notice, to notify you, that I have moved from Blogger to Wordpress.

This blog will forever live on as a cringing memory of my emo days. My new one will be an upgraded version of this, I assure you. More emo, maybe. Who knows. Click the link below to find out:

Friday, May 13, 2016

Not Perfect. At All.

I have this horrible habit of wanting to write something and then failing to put them into comprehensible sentences, so I end up scrapping the whole thing altogether. So I think I do better with short posts. For example:

I am not perfect. I just wanna put it out there, just in case there is too high of an expectation from you towards me. Because a higher expectation leads to greater disappointment. And as much as I want to be more like Christ, I am NOT Christ. Therefore I make mistakes. And "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do".

Because everything that is good and perfect comes from God, who does not change. Unlike me.

The point of this post is.... please forgive me when I make mistakes.

This post is likely to be written to myself, as I now see that I can sometimes be unnecessarily harsh on myself and that makes me unable to do the things I should do.

Well, good talk.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness

There is a freedom that comes with not thinking about yourself. To be able to focus on something bigger than you or your thoughts. To leave behind our selfish desires and to step outside of our little circle of self-centered thoughts. Just everything but yourself. Not your worries, nor your problems. Not your successes, nor your failures. Not your strengths, nor your weaknesses. Not your frustrations, your fears, your doubts, your expectations, your disappointments, your feelings, your desires, nor your insecurities. 

Then, there would be so much more space for God. His love, His joy, His hope, and His goodness. You'd be much more aware of the needs of others, and how to help them without even thinking about getting a favour in return from them, or how it might cost you. Because all that is yours isn't even yours in the first place, after all. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Escaping Reality

They say to feel time, write. And therefore here I am. It's already a new year before I could even post something on the last day of 2015...because I was in a cinema when it switched from 2015 to 2016 in a second. Lol.

I'm supposed to be back at my responsibilities, but I've been so caught up with life that I hadn't have time to reflect and just see how God have been faithful throughout.

Before I get to that, I just wanna take this time to rant (yes you may leave now) about how January in the year is almost equivalent to the Monday in the week. Which makes December similar to Sunday, and all the months in between, the days in between a week. All the events and holidays fall on December, so the last few months of the year were spent counting down to the most anticipated Christmas, bringing up the excitement as you're getting closer and generally leaving you with a warm fuzzy feeling.......and then BAM it's January. All the Christmas parties are over, and you're left feeling lethargic but forced to go back to your work/study routine while having withdrawal symptoms, e.g. staying at home whenever you can and binge on the ice creams you've bought from Baskin Robbins during the 31st promotion.

Yes, I'm having January blues. And it's probably why I haven't gotten around to reflect on the year 2015. Or even get any job done around here. Okay fine I'm posting in this blog to escape time, not particularly to feel it. But I will get around to post something about 2015 because I have much to be grateful for. Just maybe...not that soon. *crawls back into bed*