
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blessed Birthday Kor!!

My first ever birthday dedication post! And such a special honour is reserved only for my one and only kor. (everyone go 'awww') :P

Been waiting since my birthday to write back a birthday dedication for you. But please bear with me, as I'm not such a fluent writer nor an adept conveyor of my thoughts.

First of all, you know more than I do how much you've done for me. Of course there's the obvious ones like paying for everything I eat. Haha. But seriously though, I can't keep up with the amount of money I owe you. But of course, you'll be quick to dismiss that. There's also all the cool profile pictures you took of me. And then there's you inviting me to the hangouts you organize. I can go on and on.

I've told you before and I'll say it again that you've really made me feel like I have a brother. (I haven't been complaining about not having a brother ever since! Haha) It isn't fair though, to use it as an excuse, when I left you out of MY hangouts. Sigh I feel so fail as your 'mui'. I resented the fact that I made you feel left out when all that you have done is make me feel like I belong. I can't thank God enough that He has somehow used you to bring me closer to Him.

I still remember the speech you shared during Youth Sunday, where my mum told me she likes how you can relate to people. I couldn't agree more. You always have stories relating to other people's problems no matter their age, amusing them (especially me) with your good humour about yourself. I admire the way you genuinely care about each youth and always know what's happening in their lives. Even when I first started uni and seldom went online anymore you still found ways to catch up with me, and it meant alot at that point of my life when I was getting discouraged. And you were concerned of why I sounded emo/sleepy over Skype and asked me to go sleep 'cause I'm sick. I feel so undeserving of your brotherly love. Yeah I think I won the battle of 'Who's The Worst Sibling'. Not that I want to win it. Lol.

I'm still in the middle of composing this when you wrote a post for the 35-year-old you! And you made me so teary! :'( See lah I forgot what I wanna write dy. Well brush up on your piano skills 'cause you'll not only be playing "So Close" but also "As The Deer" at my wedding! That is of course after I ran through with you for your approval of my future husband. You'll always be the only Kor I have :) I'm glad that you found the peace you've been searching for. May God continue to use you for His works and bless you with the awesomest things in life that you so deserve. You've been such a blessing to me and God has been so gracious as to have placed you in my life.

Happy Birthday, Kor :)

Your Mui

1 comment:

  1. AWWWW!!

    My birthday was pretty miserable to be honest. But this really lightened up my day! You win the 'Best birthday gift' award! Hehe. Lets go out on Friday night (the day my exam finishes)!

    Thanks so much mui! <3
